
The submission procedure is carried out following the steps listed hereunder :
  1. Prior the submission of an extended abstract, the corresponding author should create an account in the conference manuscript-central. To do so, he has to click on the right-side link Create/Access your Account. He will be directed to a new page entitled «SMART Manuscript-central». After the introduction of his e-mail address in the Login field, he has to click on the button create an account. He will be directed to a new page entitled «Account Information» where he has to fill all included areas. At the end of this step, the corresponding author will receive an automatic e-mail including the password enabling the access to his account.

  2. The corresponding author has to go back to the SMART Manuscript-central, to submit his extended abstract which has to be in PDF format. At the end of the submission procedure, the corresponding author as well as his co-authors (if any) will receive a message confirming the submission of the extended abstract.

  3. Following the review process, and in case the submitted abstract would be found suitable for possible presentation in the conference, a notification of provisional acceptance would be sent to all authors. They will be asked to make ready the full paper according to the template attached to the notification of provisional acceptance message.

  4. Following the achievement of the full paper, the corresponding author has to log into the SMART Manuscript-central to submit the PDF file of the manuscript. Furthermore, he has to submit a PDF file including the answers to the reviewers comments (if any).

  5. In case the full paper would be accepted, a notification of final acceptance would be sent to all authors. In order to have their manuscript included in the conference final program and published in its USB, at least one of the authors would have to pay the registration fees considering the rates specified in the «Registration» page.