The first SMART conference was organized in Kuwait, November 23-25, 2015. SMART was launched within the celebration of the 50th anniversary of the IEEE Industry Application Society (IAS). Beyond IAS, SMART2015 was technically co-sponsored by the IEEE Power Electronics Society (PELS) and the Power and Energy Society (PES) . Thanks to the involvement of the three IEEE societies, SMART2015 was a great success. All presented papers have been published in the IEEE Xplore Digital Library. Selected papers have been published in the IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications.
The universal aspect of its topics makes obvious the migration of the SMART conference around the world. Many trials have been made by the International Steering Committee to organize the SMART conference in north America then in Europe. Finally, the Alumni Association of University of Cassino and Southern Lazio (ALACLAM – Italy) has gratefully accepted to organize SMART2022 in Italy. Nevertheless, and accounting for the sanitary crisis caused by COVID 19 which may not be eradicated before 2023, it has been decided to organize SAMRT2022 remotely. This decision has been taken in so far as the safety of the participants is the first priority of the organizers.